
Thursday, October 9, 2014

is outsource.com legit?

I cannot really say if its legit or not but one thing for sure when you are invited to bid for a certain work it has  an equivalent payment:  $4 or  $8 or $$$$ …I already have spent $18 when invited to bid for a job but no one comes back to me that I get hired. I stopped of giving a try for this job site.

Instead,  of spending too much money on the application with no assurance of getting the job,  I decided to stop bidding and continue my work in Odesk.  Thought it’s really hard to get projects because of competition but at least I am free to apply as much as 28 jobs and earn money when gets hired.  Luckily, I really had great experienced with odesk,   It does really take a lot of patience and prayer.  For those moms who are aiming to work online always remember patience is the virtue…  See the proof of my payment made to them.