
Friday, March 22, 2013

How did I know that I have enough breast milk?

I am a full time mom with my first baby. I wanted to feed him with full breast milk because it was said to be the best milk that a baby could ever have and no formula milk could equate. When I tried to feed my baby, I found out that he was oftentimes irritable. He used to sway my nipple then cried loudly. He slept for 30 min and was crying when he woke up and he spent much time in crying. When we have a monthly check up with my babies' Pediatrician I opened up my problem and she said "your baby might not be satisfied with your milk supply". He checked my babies' weight  and it was 29 kg that was a decrease of  2 kg from his birth. The doctor said "your baby should at least increased his weight 20 grams a day in a week". She advised me to do the following:

What to do if you do not have enough breast milk?
1. Have enough rest.
2. Drink soups at least once during a meal.

3. You can also take food supplement as Natalac or Fenugreek or teas. You can find many nursing supplements at Healthy Options Store located at Abreeza Mall Davao.
After a week we went back to the doctor and indeed he gained 2 kg.

After a month my baby was growing and his milk demand was increasing. If I didn't take, soups or nursing tea or took twice or thrice of the Fenugreek tablet I found him irritable. We went back to the doctor and his weight decreased. The doctor said " you might have a small breast that only stored small amount of milk and were not able to supply the milk demand of your baby, then I advised  you needed to do the mixed feeding.
I stopped drinking the tea because I have hyper acidity. I continued taking 1 tablet of Fenugreek a day and it helped to full my breast with milk. I also drink soups with potatoes and have taken a body massage for breast milk improvement and I am keen of  my diet for my baby to utmost enjoy benefits of breast milk .Even if I do mixed feeding I make sure that he was drinking much breast milk than formula milk.

Benefits of fenugreek