Matthew 22:1-14!
2.Audio Bible.
3.Christian affirmation and personalized bible scripture.
4.Bible questionnaire manual.
5.Memorizing bible scripture guide.
6.God exist.
My husband can't open the link I sent, so he got his bible and flip the on Verse Matthew 22:1-14.
Me: Now please read the verse.
Husband: No, you read.
Me: Then, I read.
Me:How do you understand about the verse?
Husband:It's about the judgement day, (re-iterating " Many are called but few are chosen.".
Me: Wow,very smart. We have the same idea. Then,what else?
Husband: Hmmm.. that's all.
Me: Ok, When I was reflecting it lately this morning.
It says in verse 1-2 That the heaven is like a wedding feast that is being prepared by the king.
So as I imagine it.Heaven has a lot of food and it's like everyday is a feast out there.
It might be the place full of happiness and festivity.
Husband: hmmm, bb next time you send me the verse that we need to share on saturday the day before
Sunday our bible sharing day. So that, I can also reflect. Because bible really needs reflection.
Me: (Self talk -wow this is a good response)Ok, don't worry I will. Then I continued.
"God then send his servants to invite people for the wedding feast"- meaning God invited us to have
some time with him but we were to busy doing our own things, not knowing that God had prepared abundance for us. Example sunday- we need to spend time with him because he is expecting us
to come and he is preparing for us as his visitor but he was dismayed because we did not listen to him.
Husband: bb, I can't understand why did He say that;
in Verse 4: “Then he sent some more servants and said, ‘Tell those who have been invited
that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and
everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.’
So therefore: There were already people invited to go to heaven?
Me: Hmmm, thinking deeply, Yes maybe - These are maybe those chosen people like the priest, pastors and other people that He chose to spread his word.
Husband: Yes, maybe those are also the descendants of Abraham.
Me: Yes maybe ( Then we continued)
Verse 8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The weeding banquet is ready, but those I invited
did not deserve to come.9 So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’
10 So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find,
the bad as well as the good, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not
wearing wedding clothes.12 He asked, ‘How did you get in here without wedding clothes,
friend?’ The man was speechless.
These verses Struck me: I imagine it as the coming of the Lord or during our death, and
because we have not listen to his call for change, for repentance and for knowing him.
We might go to the heaven with out the wedding attire- meaning we are not ready to face the Lord
and go to heaven because of our sinfulness and have not accepted the Lord in our lives.
Then the last verse says:
13 “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside,
into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
14 “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” ----These verses were bloodcurdling and very alarming for me.
As I imagine it- because we are not ready to face him we could be one of those people that will be sent to hell
where there are gnashing of teeth and weeping. It is all because we did not listen to his call.
Husband: bb, we will do this session every sunday ok, then send me the verse ahead of time.
Realizing it, we were happy to at least understand what were the verse all about and somehow we both want to try our very
best to devote some of our time to the Lord even if we are skype away.
After the bible sharing we then prayed together then He continued watching Pacquiao and Rios matched that he paused.
To atleast give some time with the Lord is an accomplishment for me and the Joy that it brings is indescribable.
To assist your bible study the following links are of great help.
3.Christian affirmation and personalized bible scripture.
4.Bible questionnaire manual.
5.Memorizing bible scripture guide.
6.God exist.